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Top 50 Opportunities Review - BullMarketRun.com

March 5, 2016

Top 50 Opportunities Review

A significant trend change in the BMR Top 50 Opportunities List that was unveiled December 4 – money is flowing more aggressively now into junior exploration stocks after producers were first out of the gate in January.  This isn’t unexpected as a growing number of investors are becoming more comfortable with the idea that the Gold market has fundamentally changed.

Combined, the 5 categories have posted a stellar average gain of 37.3% vs. an 8.7% advance for the Venture.  The TSX is down 1.1% during that time, the Dow has fallen 4.7% while the NASDAQ is off 8.3%.  Gold has climbed 15.9% over the last 3 months.

The BMR Explorers’ Category has the best momentum at the moment with the 17 picks posting an average return of 43.3%.  Cordoba Minerals (CDB, TSX-V) and Lithium X Energy (LIX, TSX-V) have led the way with massive gains of 207.7% and 193.8%, respectively.

Gold Producers have jumped 41.5% with Kirkland Lake Gold (KGI, TSX), Claude Resources (CRJ, TSX), Richmont Mines (RIC, TSX) and OceanaGold (OGC, TSX) setting the pace with gains of 73.6%, 64.9%, 59.2% and 48%, respectively.  Seven of the 8 selections in that category have gained in value.

Near-Term Producers/Advanced Resources category is up 37.2%.  True Gold Mining (TGM, TSX-V), about to be merged with Endeavour Mining (EDV, TSX) in a deal announced Friday, has surged 93.9% since December 4Gold Standard Ventures (GSV, TSX-V) has powered 84.9% higher, GoldQuest Mining (GQC, TSX-V) has surged 81.5% while Kaminak Gold (KAM, TSX-V) has enjoyed a 53.8% advance.

The best performing category is Sleepers Under A Nickel – 3 very speculative plays that are doing extremely well.  Walker River Resources (WRR, TSX-V) is up a whopping 180% while Ashburton Ventures (ABR, TSX-V) and Kiska Metals (KSK, TSX-V) have each gained 66.7%.

The Non-Resource category is starting to gain traction and is now up 8.7%, led by a 25% jump in Greencastle Resources (VGN, TSX-V).  Greencastle, which is still trading about 30% below its working capital position, holds a couple of Gold properties in Nevada.  More importantly, however, they own 8 million shares of Deveron Resources (DVR, TSX-V) which will soon to be trading on the CSE as a drone and technology deal with an incredibly exciting business model and some powerful players behind it.

We’ve also added 4 new companies to our list – Canasil Resources (CZL, TSX-V), Calibre Mining (CXB, TSX-V), Gold Bullion Development (GBB, TSX-V) and Nevada Energy Metals (BFF, TSX-V) are up a combined 9.6% over just 2 weeks.

In today’s report is a performance review of each category.  In total, 38 of the 50 picks have increased in value since the 4th of December, 10 are down and 2 are unchanged.  The average return so far, as mentioned, is an impressive 37.3%.  We’ll be issuing an updated Top 50 Opportunities List (#2) in the near future.

1.  Four explorers post 3-month gains of 100% or more…

2.  Interest continues to build in Nevada Lithium plays…

3.  Certain non-resource plays that could surge during this 1st half of 2016

In total, 38 of the 50 picks have increased in value since the 4th of December, 10 are down and 2 are unchanged.  The average return so far, as mentioned, is an impressive 37.3%.  We’ll be issuing an updated Top 50 Opportunities List (#2) in the near future.

To view the full report, login with your username and password, or click here to gain full access to this and other exclusive BMR content and features…

Comments (25)


  1. John .. the monthly chart on BFF shows a very over bought scenario… are you anticipating a LIX type chart with monthly rises even with an over bought environment?? TIA

    Comment by Jeremy — March 6, 2016 @ 9:08 am

  2. Now this is an exciting discovery that will bring in the institutional money very soon.


    Comment by Dan1 — March 6, 2016 @ 9:52 am

  3. northernminer.com/news/orex-canasil-add-weight-to-silver-discovery-%E2%80%A8in-mexico/1003768641/

    Whiting says “But now we come to discover what kind of Beast we could be looking at here”

    Comment by Dan1 — March 6, 2016 @ 9:56 am

  4. Jeremy, John can certainly chime in on this but the 6-month daily chart that we’re posting tonight on BFF doesn’t show overbought conditions at all. Monthly charts don’t work for this particular situation given how this company before was basically a shell and went in a new direction, also with a name change but no consolidation, in early January.

    Realistically, I believe given the power players behind this deal, and the fact they’re after Lithium in Nevada, BFF could have a really spectacular year. I just can’t see this going back into the teens, doesn’t make sense. The path of least resistance is up. Short-term, 30 cents to low 30’s seems reasonable – that could happen within days or perhaps a month or so, impossible to predict 100%. But it’s going higher. A good entry point at this stage IMHO is the low 20’s, 20 to 24 max, but don’t be chasing this in the high 20’s.

    On the issue of overbought conditions in general, I believe after 5 years of a bear market – and evidence of a new bull market underway – there needs to be a bit of a shift in thinking because (as we’ve seen in Gold) there are likely going to be extended periods of overbought conditions in the shorter-term charts especially with many stocks, and this will apply at times this year to the Venture in general.

    On another note, terribly sad news to hear that Nancy Reagan has passed away—what a great First Lady she was and an incredible wife for President Reagan. But she lived 94 wonderful years and she and the President and dancing and smiling together again, in Heaven.

    Comment by Jon - BMR — March 6, 2016 @ 10:52 am

  5. Hello Jon! Thanks for the updates especially in a ‘better’ market finally! Also, what are your thoughts for a correction in Gold as some people are saying it came down from the 1280$ resistance level on Friday so it may correct further. Also, can you guys keep more focus on the Lithium stocks as they seem to be taking center stage! Thanks! Are you at PDAC???

    Comment by STEVEN99 — March 6, 2016 @ 11:04 am

  6. Hi Steven99, Gold is in a new bull market as far as we’re concerned, so any pullbacks will be buying opportunities. If new support holds at $1,250, that would be extremely bullish. Can’t rule out a near-term climb above $1,300, followed by a modest correction perhaps. The outlook for the greenback isn’t good – that’s helpful for Gold and all commodities.

    We have been monitoring the Lithium plays very closely for nearly a year now when we first highlighted Pure Energy when it was in the 20’s. Several Lithium plays were included in our Top 50 List in December, and of course LIX has really taken off. PE just broke out above Fib. resistance at 75 cents – momentum could build rapidly. We’ll have an updated PE chart tonight in our Sunday Sizzler for Pro Subscribers plus a chart on a 2.5-cent Lithium situation tonight or tomorrow.

    I’m out east at the moment but not sure if I’ll have time to get to PDAC.

    Comment by Jon - BMR — March 6, 2016 @ 11:22 am

  7. Anybody hearing anything on WRR?We should be getting results at any time.It’s been quiet for a while now.

    Comment by robinandthe7hoods — March 6, 2016 @ 12:20 pm

  8. The last rumor I heard, robinandthe7hoods, was news very soon which means within a week or so, I suspect. I have confidence they’ll have more very good holes to report—the first 2 holes were drilled 150 m apart and delivered some impressive high-grade numbers.

    Comment by Jon - BMR — March 6, 2016 @ 12:28 pm

  9. mUSIC TO MY EARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    CONCLUSION: The picture for gold is more positive than it has been for years. A solid bottom has been set, a breakout and retest have been accomplished, sentiment has turned positive, and the LTTM is about to generate an LT BUY signal. The overbought PMO is an issue, but in bull markets overbought conditions are not always a problem.

    Comment by Jeremy — March 6, 2016 @ 12:32 pm

  10. Hey Jon – thx.. I brought up a monthly chart on BFF thus the question wasnt from the chart John posted..

    I have been reading similar comments regarding the bull market and its arrival… as well as the commodity complex in general…
    and the initial overboughtness (is that a word:) ??) and the thoughts are the same in that this could run a long long way because it has been so damaging….
    and OIL is looking like it can keep the party going:)

    Comment by Jeremy — March 6, 2016 @ 12:43 pm

  11. Hi Jeremy, yes, that’s why John hasn’t run a monthly on BFF….Oil is definitely perking up as well as you mention and a broader based move in commodities could really light a fire under the Venture…one thing that’s different about this move in the Venture is that it breaks the cycle of weaker rallies from previous lows since 2011…this is not going to be looked back on through the rear view mirror as another failed rally…this is completely different, the real thing…and we could see something quite spectacular…we’ll show why tonight and tomorrow…

    Comment by Jon - BMR — March 6, 2016 @ 12:47 pm

  12. Thanks,Jon!

    Comment by robinandthe7hoods — March 6, 2016 @ 1:29 pm

  13. Jon, are u still in the oil bull etf? How high do u think oil will go short term? Isn’t inventory still at record highs?

    Comment by Sameer — March 6, 2016 @ 2:27 pm

  14. Yes, Sameer, in fact we have an update tonight on the HOU – very bullish. We locked in at $2.96 during the week of Feb. 22 and it’s already up 20%. Crude is headed back above $40 a barrel, so our minimum target on the HOU is around $4.50. Is this just a rally for Oil or the start of something more significant? We’ll find out soon enough. Political factors can obviously come into play, such as major flare-ups in the Middle East that could lead to supply disruptions. The demand-supply dynamics aren’t great at the moment for Crude but something is driving the price – for now we have to go with that trend. Clearly there is short-term strength here. The technicals will tell us in due course if the primary trend has changed since this bear market began in the summer of 2014.

    Comment by Jon - BMR — March 6, 2016 @ 2:51 pm

  15. Jon, when you can, please check out NXO.V This optical stock just might eclipse all 50 of the stocks on our list. Mind boggling changes possibly coming to the world of optics.

    Comment by charleybarley — March 6, 2016 @ 3:38 pm

  16. Thx Jon… I concur with you with reagrd that this is diffrent… it FEELS different… that gut feeling stuff..

    the number of stocks that have doubled in 6 weeks is big.. and noone yet knows about it… Friday we hit 200M shares on the V … that is big news!

    Comment by Jeremy — March 6, 2016 @ 3:43 pm

  17. Thanks, charleybarley. Nice move in NXO recently. Will look into it.

    Comment by Jon - BMR — March 6, 2016 @ 4:08 pm

  18. Jeremy – Thought I would chime in, BFF is not overbought. Take another look at the 6 month chart. The macd is about to cross in positive. The CCI is just over into positive. What really stands out with me is the accum/dist. This has actually been in decline until Friday. The divergence of it declining the last week was due to Global giving shares away to important people who wanted in, so because of this wash it caused the TA in this area to trigger a downturn. On Friday this changed and is now pointing to go back up. If you look at Thursday’s trades, you will see that at 15:51, there was the 20k given to Hayward. This is what was on the bid at the time. I was watching every minute at the change in action. Then, global also filled TD with 200k. These were not on the bid, thus it looked like sell pressure and kept the accum/dist moving downward. This was taking place all week by the way. On Friday, this did not occur and the accum/dist turned up and has a long way to go upward. Sorry for the long explanation, but it is always important to know why there may be a divergence in some portions of the TA.

    Comment by dave — March 6, 2016 @ 8:47 pm

  19. Silver Standard buying out Claude Resources (CRJ, TSX) in a friendly all-stock transaction valued at $337 million ($1.65 per share)…Friday it was TGM…today it’s CRJ…who’s next?…

    Comment by Jon - BMR — March 7, 2016 @ 4:32 am

  20. Thx Dave.. appreciated:)

    Comment by Jeremy — March 7, 2016 @ 5:49 am

  21. LAD – MM’s accomplished what they wanted too, it touched .085 for a couple trades which is the 20sma. Bids were weak at .085 and now building. I understand NR tomorrow, lets see if it comes. This looks like a classic shake of the tree.

    Comment by dave — March 7, 2016 @ 10:26 am

  22. BFF – earlier today the bid was at .205 with that large number starring at you. The ask was .24. – Nooooobody sold into that bid.

    Support currently at .22 and the resistance is at .29 with only a 1 conf. number. This has a shot at blowing through 29 with no wind behind it. Lets see what happens.

    Comment by dave — March 7, 2016 @ 10:36 am

  23. BFF – 48k only all the way to .45

    Comment by dave — March 7, 2016 @ 11:08 am

  24. bff – 95k showed up at .30, .29 resistance. People always going to sell a little on doubles.

    Comment by dave — March 7, 2016 @ 11:27 am

  25. It is clear that the companies who were drilling last year and having success are moving up, BGM and ICG as example. I am curious to see what happens to the likes of LAD and EQT when they announce the instant gold resources.

    Comment by dave — March 7, 2016 @ 12:01 pm

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