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Alert: Gold Bullion Development Halted, News Out - BullMarketRun.com

February 8, 2010

Alert: Gold Bullion Development Halted, News Out

News is just out on Gold Bullion Development Corporation (GBB, TSX-V) which we are quickly reviewing. In short, what is developing here is exactly what we have been stating repeatedly at BullMarketRun.com since we initiated coverage on this stock at 7 cents in December – Gold Bullion is on track for discovery of a substantial bulk tonnage deposit along the prolific “Cadillac Trend”.

Below is an extremely significant line in this news release (folks, it’s not hard to do the math – what we’re talking about here is the real potential for a multi-million ounce bulk tonnage gold deposit at Granada):

Mineralization at the Granada Gold Mine remains open in all directions and is now measured at 600 metres in length, 150 metres in width and up to 70 metres in thickness.”

We are working on calculating accurate tonnage estimates from this, but we’re dealing with something potentially quite large.

Hole GR-09-15 was a 600-metre step-out from the initial three holes and encountered a very mineable grade over a length of 73 metres.

We are working fervently on additional interpretation of this news release and we’ll be posting more information later today. Bottom line – GBB is headed higher.

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