
What’s Next After Trump Survives Assassination Attempt

4:00 pm Pacific


“Get Trump” Fails Again 

Yesterday’s failed assassination attempt against Donald Trump, and the murder of at least 1 MAGA supporter at his Pennsylvania rally, was an event of historic proportions for America, one that will change the course of the country by virtually ensuring that Trump will once again become President – likely in a landslide – with Republicans riding his coattails to grab strong control of both the Senate and the House.

The image of a bloodied Trump pumping his fist in the air multiple times after surviving a bullet from a would-be assassin will become one of the most iconic images in American history.

It’s an image that will also define this election and help propel the former President back to the White House in triumphant fashion: The courage of Trump, a true warrior and businessman fighting for his country and the American people, despite all the obstacles thrown against him, juxtaposed with the weakness and timidity of career politician Joe Biden who has made America less safe, less secure, and less prosperous after the highest inflation in 40 years.

Any man who can still be standing, let alone energetically campaigning for President, after enduring what Trump has had to endure these last months and years, is a truly extraordinary individual who exceeds all requirements for President. Indeed, it appears Trump is destined to become one of the most transformational political figures of all time in America.

His supporters, for whom he took a bullet, would now crawl over broken glass for him. Millions of other Americans who previously may not have voted for Trump will make the leap.

A vast majority of Americans have a genuine sense of fairness – and they know that the treatment of Trump by his political opponents, the crooked media, Democrat prosecutors and the courts has been fundamentally unfair ever since the Russia Hoax was launched immediately preceding his inauguration in 2016 in an attempt to delegitimize his Presidency (the Dems and the media colluded on that for 3 years).

The constant demonization of Trump, recently centered around the false claim that he’s an “existential threat to American democracy”, undoubtedly contributed to yesterday’s assassination attempt.

The “democracy” Dems have turned America into is one where the justice system is weaponized by the state to target a person, not a crime, to carry out an agenda that includes throwing the leading candidate of the political opposition into prison; a “democracy” where the leading opposition candidate is demonized as “Hitler” to the point where an assassination attempt occurs; a “democracy” where elections are rigged; a “democracy” where the value of citizenship is eroded with millions of illegal aliens allowed into the country through wide-open borders that also attract criminals and terrorists; a “democracy” where the state colludes with 95% of the media against the main opposition party; a “democracy” where the government covers up and lies about the deteriorating health of the President; a “democracy” where party elites are willing to disenfranchise millions of voters in a primary in order to change their candidate at the last minute because their own coverup has been exposed and they’re plunging in the polls – this sounds a lot more like Russia, Iran, North Korea, or China, not what America is supposed to be.

Which is why the Democrats’ New America, including all of its repugnant wokeness, needs to be turned upside down and will be in November (Canada to follow).

Donald Trump has demonstrated, beyond any doubt, that he has the resilience, the strength, the policies and the courage to Make America Great Again. No American President in history has been tested like him in the last 8 years.

Political events shape markets. For several months we’ve been stating that Mr. Market has been increasingly anticipating a possible Trump victory in November, an outcome that would usher in common sense policies to slay the dragon of inflation and allow the Fed to lower interest rates. That, combined with lower tax rates and a rollback of regulations, is a recipe that’s very bullish for the capital markets.

The June 27 Trump-Biden debate was an important turning point. Yesterday’s events were epic, sealing the fate of Biden and the Democrats (and whoever they may replace him with, if they do) and virtually assuring an historic Republican sweep in November.

The market is a forward-looking machine, so the next 6 months are going to be big.

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