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BMR eAlerts - BullMarketRun.com

April 21, 2014

BMR eAlerts

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  1. Happy Easter to all… new beginnings in many camps…. wishing you all something new to grasp and strangle and not let go…
    and this just in…:)

    That top-pick real-estate view largely applies to upper-income Americans, living in households of $75,000 and over. Gallup found that 31% of those in the lower-income bracket — living on less than $30,000 — believe gold is the best investment option, followed by real estate second, 28%, and stocks, 13%. Gold GCM4 -0.62% turned into a pretty lousy investment for many last year, though it is picking up a bit this yea

    Comment by Jeremy — April 21, 2014 @ 6:27 am

  2. Gentlemen,

    Happy Easter to BMR & all their readers,

    Last Thur. was an edeition on DBV. I asked about type of DR to be released & approx. timeline for when they will be released. Any feedback?


    Comment by Bgr — April 21, 2014 @ 10:33 am

  3. Bgr, DBV started drilling at the end of March. In terms of how and when they will release results, that’s anyone’s guess – makes for interesting speculation. My personal opinion is that given how aggressive Farshad has been up to this point, and the fact that the 11 holes released to date have shown an improving trend, anything’s possible and it would be a mistake to underestimate the situation. About 3/4 of all the holes (59) drilled historically and over the past 11 months in the Sheslay Valley have “hit” (over wide distances) with significant intersections of Cu-Au porphyry mineralization (quite remarkable), so I like the odds for this particular round at the Hat – especially since they learned so much from the first 2 rounds and have applied that knowledge to the current drilling. We have a 4-part video interview with DBV consulting geologist and geophysicist John Buckle that starts tomorrow and runs through the rest of the week. While he doesn’t discuss anything not in the public domain, he provides some context that is certainly helpful, especially in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th parts. The warrants from the 2012 PP expire at the end of this week—-acceleration clause was triggered, so that will remove an overhang from the market.

    Comment by Jon - BMR — April 21, 2014 @ 2:47 pm

  4. Jon,

    Thank you your reply and your insights. Looking forward to the 4 part video.


    Comment by Bgr — April 21, 2014 @ 4:51 pm

  5. Any updates on CQX?

    Comment by John — April 22, 2014 @ 7:59 am

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