Gold is enjoying a great day, closing in on a new all-time high…Gold is up $14 an ounceĀ to $1,217 as of 8:45 am Pacific time, just $9 shy of last December’s all-time high…the CDNX is up 8 points to 1599…the senior golds are clearly outperforming the junior speculative golds at the moment, a trend that has really taken hold here in May…we’re not sure exactly what this means but we’re examining some theories…at BMR over the past week we have been working on some fascinating comparitive charts featuring Gold, the TSX Gold Index, and the CDNX going back 10 years…the normal synchronization among the three has suddenly changed with the CDNX falling out of step…this may not mean a whole lot immediately but, given historical patterns, it could be giving us a clue of some major upcoming developments in the markets – perhaps not for three to six months, but something significant appears to be in the works and it may not be positive…we’re keeping a close eye on this to see if the new pattern we’ve identified continues…Gold Bullion Development (GBB, TSX-V) is unchanged at 36 cents this morning…over the last two trading days Jordan Capital has been a very aggressive buyer of GBB which is an encouraging sign as Jordan was first on the scene, so to speak, with GBB last December…Kent Exploration (KEX, TSX-V) is up penny to 18.5 cents…with its upcoming spinoff, Kent offers extraordinary value at current levels but it seems some people aren’t very good at math and haven’t figured it out just yet…or else they think Kent’s doing a rollback and not a spinoff…40,000 shares of Kent at 18.5 cents gives an investor 10,000 shares of Archean Star Resources which is being financed at 25 cents…the argument that Kent’s share price is going to suffer significantly moving forward because of the spin-off of its Gnaweeda Gold Project doesn’t hold water in our view…investors can expect Kent to get much more aggressive with its Alexander River Gold Property and its Flagstaff Barite Property following the spin-off…the high grade barite project has the potential to generate $1.5 million or better in cash flow for Kent this year while Alexander River has an historical (non-compliant) resource estimate of over 600,000 ounces…it has excellent potential to develop into a 1 million-plus ounce deposit…with regard to Archean, it will be developing a highly prospective gold project in partnership with Teck that has multi-million ounce potential…we highlighted Yamana Gold (YRI, TSX) yesterday here at BMR and it appears Yamana is breaking out technically as we anticipated it would…our technical analyst sees Yamana jumping to $13.50 in the near term…YRI is up 65 cents to $11.62 at the moment…Yamana is also doing a joint venture with one of our favorites, Colombian Gold Mines (CMJ, TSX-V)…Colombian is up 12 cents to $1.14…
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