Gold is up $7 an ounce at $1,199 as of 8:00 am Pacific time…the Dow and the TSE are each down about 200 points while the CDNX, after a powerful move Friday, is off 19 points this morning to 1434…the market “fear” level is extremely high right now, suggesting now is clearly not the time to throwing good stocks overboard…if anything, now is the ideal time to be a buyer in selective issues…lost in all the noise this morning were new figures on U.S. consumer confidence which is now at its highest level in two years…the fact the CDNX has been outperforming the major markets the past couple of trading days is very encouraging…the up-trend channels for Gold and the TSX Gold Index remain very much intact despite last week’s sell-off…Gold Bullion Development, which is facing the imminent possibility of a declining 20-day moving average for the first time since its move began March 1, is off another 1.5 cents to 37.5 cents…there should be very strong support for GBB in the mid-30’s…the rest of the BMR Portfolio is quiet this morning…Richfield Ventures (RVC, TSX-V), which was beaten down severely last week (17%) for no fundamental reason, is up a penny this morning to $1.35 where it represents excellent value…$25 million has been knocked off the market cap of this stock over the past month…an example of the opportunities a market drop can present…