A Daily, Vibrant Voice Focused on Speculative Opportunities, Commodities, and Economic and Political Trends Impacting the Resource Sector and Equity Markets

Gold is surging again this morning, up $13 an ounce to $1,214 as of 8:15 am Pacific time…the CDNX correction which began May 3 is now officially over in BMR’s view…the market bottomed at 1393 last Friday, finding strong support around 1400 where it was supported in December of last year and again in February…the correction occured over 15 trading days and amounted to 295 points or 17.5%, almost identical to the last “normal” correction with the CDNX in early January, 2008…the CDNX is up 31 points to 1481 this morning…given the market turnaround, Gold Bullion Development (GBB, TSX-V) is an immediate buy as it can be expected to significantly outperform the market as it has done since early March…new all-time highs are likely just around the corner with GBB based on technical and fundamental factors…Gold Bullion is currently up a penny to 39.5 cents…Kent Exploration (KEX, TSX-V) has been halted and BMR has confirmed that the company will be releasing assay results from Gnaweeda…given that Kent’s project is a joint venture with Teck, both companies have to sign off on the results and the release so it’s possible trading in Kent may not resume until late this morning or even tomorrow…at BMR, we have been extremely bullish on the geological potential of Gnaweeda and investors are now about to get a very good first real glimpse of that potential…

1 Comment

  1. Someone was dumping over 150,000 shares GBB in the last minute …. closing at 0.005 lower than the day before. For sure, it will go back to 0.40 tomorrow… Let us see!

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