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BMR Morning Market Musings... - BullMarketRun.com

March 29, 2016

BMR Morning Market Musings…

Gold has traded between $1,214 and $1,230 so far today…as of 9:00 am Pacific, bullion is up $6 an ounce at $1,227…Silver is off a dime at $15.15…Copper has shed 4 pennies to $2.22…Crude Oil is $1.27 lower at $38.12 while the U.S. Dollar Index is relatively flat at 95.88

After a slew of comments from Fed officials in the past week, investors are waiting to see what words come today from Janet Yellen who’s slated to speak shortly at 12:20 pm eastern at the Economic Club of New York…earlier this month, the Fed indicated it would likely only raise the benchmark rate twice this year, down from earlier projections of 4 increases…Yellen’s speech will be scrutinized for fresh leads on the Fed’s thinking, given that some of the recent more hawkish comments have come from current non-voting members…

Gold imports into China from Hong Kong and Switzerland remained subdued in February according to fresh data released today…February’s shipment from Switzerland was the lowest for February since 2012…China’s domestic market could still be working through the stockpiles after more than 100 tonnes of Gold was imported in December, the highest level in 2 years…

Barclays:  Commodity Retreat On The Horizon

The Venture’s latest long-term chart doesn’t quite agree with this, as we’ll show in today’s Morning Musings, but commodities including Oil and Copper are at risk of “steep” declines as recent advances aren’t fully grounded in improved fundamentals, according to Barclays Plc, which warned yesterday that prices may tumble as investors rush for the exits.  “Investors have been attracted to commodities as one of the best performing assets so far in 2016,” analyst Kevin Norrish stated.  “However, in the absence of any concerted fundamental improvements, those returns are unlikely to be repeated in the 2nd quarter, making commodities vulnerable to a wave of investor liquidation.”

Commodities rebounded from a more than 25-year low in January amid speculation that prices may now be bottoming after they lost 11% in the final 3 months of 2015 and 14% in the 3rd quarter…Oil and Copper have recovered from the multi-year lows seen in January and February, and Barclays has estimated that net flows into commodity products totaled more than $20 billion in the 2-month period in the strongest start to a year since 2011

“Given that recent price appreciation does not seem to be very well founded in improving fundamentals, and that upward trends may prove difficult to sustain, the risk is growing that any setback will result in a rush for the exits that could again lead commodity prices to overshoot to the downside,” Norrish concluded…

Could Barclays be missing something?…

The Flawed Candidacy Of Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton has much more to worry about than just Donald Trump, Ted Cruz or 74 year-old socialist Bernie Sanders…at least 147 FBI agents are reported to be investigating Clinton’s email practices after U.S. authorities confirmed last summer that the former Secretary of State sent and received classified information over a private server…Democrats actually think this ultimate Washington insider, in some ways a founding member of ISIS given her and Obama’s Middle East strategy, is a shoe-in to be President?…in a lengthy article published on Easter Sunday, the Washington Post alleged that the FBI is using close to 150 full-time agents to help determine whether or not Clinton violated the law by using her personal BlackBerry for all her email communications leading up to her Democratic presidential campaign…

Terrorism’s Toll

The deadly toll of terrorism around the globe has jumped nearly 800% in the past 5 years, according to an exhaustive new report that blames the alarming expansion of Islamist groups across the Middle East and Africa…the non-profit Investigative Project on Terrorism found that an average of nearly 30,000 people per year have been killed by terrorists since 2010, when terrorism’s death toll was 3,284…the authors of the study, which tabulated the numbers through the end of 2015, say that the exponential increase shows two troubling trends: More attacks are happening, and they tend to be deadlier than ever…

The Cost Of The Left’s New High Tax Canada

Another example of how higher taxes in Canada are chasing away wealth creators:  Billionaire Murray Edwards has changed his residency from Calgary to London, England, according to a regulatory filing and confirmed by various sources…last week, Magellan Aerospace Corp., a Mississauga aircraft manufacturer in which Edwards holds 74% of the shares and acts as chairman, listed his residence as “London, United Kingdom”, in its annual information form filed with regulators…sources say Edwards has indeed switched his residency to the U.K. for tax reasons…income taxes for high earners in Alberta increased dramatically over the past year with the top federal/provincial combined marginal rate rising a whopping 20% from 40.25% in 2015 to 48% in 2016 (in some jurisdictions in Canada, the top combined marginal rate exceeds 50%)…that should concern every Canadian, not just those on the highest end of the income scale…punitive taxation like that is counter productive and drives away entrepreneurs – job creators – who Canada so desperately needs…

$96 Million Budgeted Just For Consulting With First Nations

Just one of many overlooked items in last week’s horrendous Liberal budget – $96 million budgeted over 5 years for merely consulting with First Nations.  “There are some hefty frequent flyer points coming for Canada’s 582 First Nations chiefs,” wrote CTV Power Play host Don Martin.  “That’s $170,000 worth of consultation per chief. Just to give them money. The mind reels.”

In today’s Morning Musings…

1.  Cannabix Technologies (BLO, CSE) makes further progress in developing a state-of-the-art roadside marijuana breathalyzer…

2.  Coeur Mining now has a stake in Kootenay Silver (KTN, TSX-V)…

3.  Opportunities in a few juniors that have retreated into strong support zones…

Plus more…to view the rest of today’s Morning Musings, login with your username and password, or click here to gain full access to this and other exclusive BMR content and features…

Comments (18)


  1. CLZ up this afternoon. The drill is turning and more results are on the way.

    Comment by Dan1 — March 29, 2016 @ 9:35 am

  2. GGI – I have said this before. Looks like I am going to lose my full investment in this stock.

    Comment by George — March 29, 2016 @ 9:59 am

  3. GGI – have they started drilling? I call but can’t seem to get a hold of anyone…?and everyone’s voicemail box is full.

    Comment by George — March 29, 2016 @ 10:20 am

  4. What the heck is GGI doing? They really need a course on communication skills. Nothing wrong with their geologist ability but definitely something wrong with their communication skills. Very frustrating to be a shareholder. The base of shares I have in GGI will be easy to let go of if this thing ever rises again.

    Comment by Dan1 — March 29, 2016 @ 3:25 pm

  5. What happened to this forum? No one posts anymore
    GGI very disappointing
    GGB maybe the stock to watch again along with BLO
    Sounds like getting close to a actual prototype for field testing BLO could really take off on speculation of results , hopefully WRR gives us an update soon on the rest of the drilling
    EQT just hope to see 10 cents again

    Comment by Greg — March 29, 2016 @ 7:22 pm

  6. Dan1 – this ha become comical…act being down 40percent isn’t funny at all.

    Comment by George — March 30, 2016 @ 4:11 am

  7. Jon – what is going on with GGI? Have they started drilling? Why is the voicemail box of the management team full? Have you heard from CEO?

    Comment by George — March 30, 2016 @ 6:42 am

  8. George, I believe it’s a safe assumption that drilling is underway at Rambo given the latest news release & past history. The “quietness” is interesting – not sure what to make of that unless Regoci is planning some sort of a surprise. There’s also of course news due from the Grizzly. I know it’s frustrating but we just have to wait and see what they have to say. What we do know is that drilling at Rodadero has consistently been successful, and if you look at the chart you’ll see that RSI(2) is at its most oversold level since July of last year. So that gives me comfort and jives with the chart that we ran last Thursday. Volume has been low on this drop to support. It’s usually out of times like this that GGI has come to life.

    Comment by Jon - BMR — March 30, 2016 @ 6:48 am

  9. Hey Jon, I’m curious what you think the fallout of DBV would be if they lose this upcoming decision in May? Would this be a fatal blow? I’m trying to remain optimistic, but based on how the past year has gone, I’m not holding my breath on this.

    Comment by Steve A. — March 30, 2016 @ 7:21 am

  10. I expected gold to keep rallying with the dovish fed and dollar dropping again. I guess my buddy was right about the manipulation due to options expiration and the high OI?

    Comment by Sameer — March 30, 2016 @ 7:21 am

  11. I will contact IR today to see if they have even spoken to GGI management regarding an update and if drilling has commenced. I think GGI should save money and cancel this IR because they never know anything anyway…a surprise? I don’t think there will be any surprises. It is not good business practice to be unable to reach the company including all mailboxes full…it’s quite irritating.

    Comment by George — March 30, 2016 @ 7:21 am

  12. You have to admit the GGI and DBV grizzly plays have been a disaster, between the Chad Day fiasco and GGI not finding gold when they drilled is why we are sitting where we are. Add that to the fact that Regoci has No regard for his shareholders and makes promises and then never follows thru… What a waste
    The BMR top 50 looks good but who really has the money to invest in all 50 plays anyway I must be the most un luckiest guy in the world as everyone of the companies I invested in are all upside down.. Sheesh

    Comment by Greg — March 30, 2016 @ 7:50 am

  13. Greg – I agree with your post 100percent as if I wrote it myself.

    Comment by George — March 30, 2016 @ 4:11 pm

  14. Jon, thoughts on my DBV question?

    Comment by Steve A. — March 30, 2016 @ 5:59 pm

  15. It’s important, George, when looking at any exploration/drilling situation that we open our eyes to the circumstances/context on the ground. The publicly known facts at Rambo, for example, suggest there could be things going on behind the scenes that we’re simply not aware of, hence the cautious approach so far from GGI in terms of updating any developments. That’s what I was alluding to earlier today but I’ll remind everyone. There’s an operating mine (small scale) on a land package (Progesso) attached (inlier claims) to Rambo, held by a Mexican family which has been exploiting some high-grade gold-silver veins that extend for hundreds of meters and by all accounts hold exceptional exploration potential. Whether that system begins there, and extends to Rambo, or vice-versa, is unknown as Rambo has never been previously drilled. But this whole area has common geology and is regarded as very prospective for gold deposits, proven by the fact they are actually mining ore at Progresso. It’s safe to assume that GGI has tried to acquire Progresso or may even be attempting again now to acquire it, or perhaps there is available ground in the general vicinity (which would have to be off to the east). I’ve seen the same scenario in other drilling/exploration situations. In other words, Regoci may have good reason to hold his cards tight to his chest at the moment, in the best interests of shareholders, with regard to Rambo. Things aren’t always as they seem, George, which is why it’s critical to understand the context and who’s who on the ground where the exploration and drilling is being carried out. This is about more than just drilling some gold targets. These targets aren’t in an isolated environment, and what happens at Rambo could impact Progresso and the general area. That’s the backdrop, the context. There are definitely broader issues at play here.

    Comment by Jon - BMR — March 30, 2016 @ 6:06 pm

  16. Jon.

    the above makes sense “It’s safe to assume that GGI has tried to acquire Progresso or may in fact be attempting again to acquire it, or perhaps there is available ground in the general vicinity (which would have to be off to the east). I’ve seen the same scenario in other drilling/exploration situations. In other words, Regoci may have good reason to hold his cards tight to his chest at the moment with regard to Rambo. Things aren’t always as they seem, George, which is why it’s critical to understand the context within which the exploration and drilling is being carried out”
    I appreciate you posting that the way you did, that is the kind of stuff that I would like to see more of, what has everyone or most everyone frustrated with GGI is the lack of any communication for long periods of time. With all of the projects that GGI has Regoci could at least put something on the website to shareholders informing of us in a way that would not be giving out too much info to hurt any deals they are working on… but the silence is just killing the stock imo.

    Comment by GREG — March 30, 2016 @ 6:15 pm

  17. Jon – I think we said the same thing about GGI when it was drilling Grizzly…things going on behind the scenes that we arent aware of…lots of potential…possibilities etc etc…So far we have some drilling at Grizzly that didn’t hit gold and yet to find out if its any substantial or not…we have no idea whats going on or happened to patilla…we don’t even know if its safe to assume drilling has started at Rambo. All we need now is a news release that we are acquiring Progresso for the stock to really go down. Those are my thoughts and they seem reasonable.

    Comment by George — March 30, 2016 @ 8:12 pm

  18. Steve, again it’s important to understand the context of the situation on the ground as well as the politics. At the end of the day, the bottom line is that the Hat Property, and development of the Hat and other properties within the district, is already backed by an extensive Land Use Plan, which is the law of the land. Does the B.C. government want to be taken to court? DBV of course has legal drill permits, as others do. None of this changes with the May court decision re: DBV. The hearing in May is about a different matter, specifically the unwarranted disruption of the Hat drill program last July by Chad Day and his radical friends.

    I believe the narrower injunction DBV is going after gives them a better chance to win this time around. However, despite the Land Use Plan, despite the fact Chad has less of a claim to this area than the Tlingits (not the politically correct thing to say but it’s true – the Tahltan will never get aboriginal title to the district) and regardless of the outcome in May in the B.C. Supreme Court (assuming there isn’t a settlement before then), it behooves DBV and the Tahltan to work cooperatively together. Chad is young and still learning. He seriously overreached last summer and he needs to handle this file with DBV more wisely. Farshad too needs to handle things more wisely with Chad and the Tahltan, and it would be a serious mistake to assume Chad will not get re-elected this July. He knows how to appeal to his base. He’s very effectively politically within the Tahltan.

    Comment by Jon - BMR — March 31, 2016 @ 3:49 am

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