Gold has traded within a range of $1,237 and $1,251 today…as of 7:35 am Pacific, the yellow metal has recovered from its lows of the day and is currently up $2 per ounce at $1,246…BMR’s technical analyst sees the potential for a slight pullback in Gold over the immediate term but of course the primary trend is still very bullish…day-to-day moves can be hard to predict…there is strong technical support around $1,220 and again just above $1,200…the CDNX is climbing higher again, which is a positive sign for Gold…the Venture is up 8 points to 1590…the typical “sell on news” has hit Gold Bullion a little bit, which opens up a tremendous opportunity for those who can understand from yesterday’s news that Gold Bullion is indeed closing in on something very big at Granada…many very good looking holes are yet to come in and GBB is hitting the right structures and finding mineralization not just in quartz veins but within porphyry as well which opens up a lot of possibilities…GR-10-53, one of 5 Preliminary Block Model holes released yesterday, was stellar by any measure as it returned 68.3 metres grading 2.16 g/t Au within a wider interval of 100.5 metres grading 1.34 g/t Au…the hole was drilled perpendicular to Vein #2 and is believed to closely approximate true width…GR-10-47 (1.68 g/t Au over 28 metres) opens up interesting possibilities in the northeast quadrant of the Block Model, and large porphyry intrusions cover a good portion of the waste pile with some northeasterly trending faults running right through that area…the Eastern Extension continues to grow and some potentially spectacular holes, based on visuals, are in the assay pipeline…the pullback in GBB this morning is a huge opportunity because this company in our view is well on its way to defining a major near-surface deposit with multi-million ounce potential written all over it…we’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg so far…GBB is down a nickel to 65 cents on over 2 million shares…it’s off its low of the day at 60 cents as bargain hunters are stepping in…Richfield Ventures is quiet so far this morning, down a penny at $2.26…RVC is in the process of closing a nearly $15 million financing at $1.95…Richfield’s Blackwater Project is shaping up very nicely and the company’s market cap is sitting at just $65 million or so which gives it plenty of upside potential if a deposit of at least 3 million ounces is outlined which seems very probable given the results to date…Sidon International (SD, TSX-V), also attempting to close a financing, is off half a penny to 12 cents…this stock has tremendous technical support between 10 and 12 cents…Seafield Resources (SFF, TSX-V) had a big day yesterday, jumping 3.5 cents to 23.5 cents on nearly 2 million shares…it’s quieter so far this morning but holding at 23.5 cents…the fundamentals and technicals are in place for Seafield to march higher…
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Strong rebound is developing for GBB…