Gold is up strongly this morning, surging $25 an ounce to $1,122 as of 8:00 am Pacific time, confirming our analysis of recent days and weeks that gold’s correction had run its course and that a new up-leg is set to begin…as we pointed out in our CDNX article this morning, the TSX Gold Index amazingly closed the year at its most oversold level, based on Stochastics, since the crash of 2008…the fact that such an oversold level would occur with the Index at 334 suggests we’re likely to see new all-time highs of 400 or better – probably, we think, in the first quarter of 2010…we’re forecasting 1,950 to 2,300 on the CDNX…a couple of our favorite stocks are doing very well this morning…Richfield Ventures (RVC, TSX-V) is up 13 cents to $1.45 while Gold Bullion Development Corporation (GBB, TSX-V) is up half a cent to .095…Kent Exploration (KEX, TSX-V) and Colombian Gold Mines (CMJ, TSX-V) are also positive on the day so far, while Seafield Resources (SFF, TSX-V) is quiet and has yet to trade…the CDNX is flying this morning, up 24 points to 1,545…we expect Gold Bullion and Richfield to be our best-performing stocks this month…the market has yet to catch on to what we believe is an intriguing discovery of nickel and/or copper mineralization in recent drilling at Gold Bullion’s Granada Gold Property, based on the company’s news release December 29…