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BMR Morning Market Musings... - BullMarketRun.com

May 17, 2012

BMR Morning Market Musings…

Gold is firmer this morning after bouncing off multi-month lows yesterday…as of 5:50 am Pacific, the yellow metal is up $15 an ounce at $1,555…Silver is 42 cents higher at $27.69…Copper is flat at $3.49…Crude Oil is 24 cents higher at $93.05 while the U.S. Dollar Index, which is looking for its 14th straight winning session, is up another one-fifth of a point this morning to 81.54…

For another view on the markets, comments this morning from technical analyst Clive Maund (www.clivemaund.com)…

Gold and silver now critically oversold at strong support, dollar overstretched…

Please be aware that we could see a really big bounce in Gold and Silver here, and possibly an important reversal…Gold and Silver are right at STRONG support at their September lows, and critically oversold short-term as shown by their RSI indicators…the Dollar is showing signs that it is about to react after an incredible 13 up days in a row (trading days), with a very large white candle appearing on its chart on Tuesday, followed by a candle that approximates to a bearish “hanging man” – it is critically overbought on its RSI so its certainly a good time for it to take a breather…the “talking heads” on the major financial networks were starting to grudgingly acknowledge the possibility of QE coming to the rescue of the world economy, and it is quite clear that the moment the markets get the scent of the spigots being opened we could see a humongous rally, especially in the trampled down commodities sector…

Right now we are heading towards deflation – this is why the markets are going cold turkey…they are clamouring for another fix – everything now depends on how long our illustrious leaders can hold out before caving in to their demands…we must watch carefully for the first real signs of them doing so, this will be the point the tide turns…the charts suggest that there is a possibility of this occurring very soon”…(Clive Maund)…

John’s latest Gold gives strong evidence that we may have seen an important bottom in Gold yesterday…

A turnaround in the CRB Index, currently resting at support, also appears to be in the cards…

Chinese Gold Buying Surges In First Quarter

World Gold demand fell 5% to 1,097.6 metric tons during the first quarter compared to the same period a year ago, with jewelry consumption down but investment demand higher, the World Gold Council said in its quarterly trends report released this morning…

“It was quite a complex quarter,” said Marcus Grubb, managing director for investment at the World Gold Council…he pointed out that prices climbed year-on-year despite the lower global demand, including a sharp decline in buying from India, historically the world’s largest consumer…this meant there had to be “a lot of positives” elsewhere for demand to hold up as well as it did, Grubb said…Chinese buying surged, far outpacing India for both Gold jewelry and investment, and central banks remained net buyers

In value terms, global Gold demand rose 16% year-on-year to $59.7 billion, with an average price of $1,690.57 per ounce that was up 22% from the same period a year ago, the WGC said…

First-quarter global gold supply rose 5% year-on-year to 1,070.3 metric tons as both mine production and recycling grew.

Data for the report was compiled by the London-based consultancy Thomson Reuters GFMS…

New York Hard Assets Conference

We received this email last night from one of our friends who had just attended the New York Hard Assets Conference:

“We had an opportunity to attend the presentations by Rick Rule, Paul Van Eeden, John Kaiser, Louis James and the Keynote speaker, Eric Sprott…

Louis James of Casey Research gave his reasons to be a Gold buyer – the key was the ” FEAR” factor and he elaborated…in his opinion, “Gold is still in a long term bull market”…

Eric Sprott spoke on the reasons why in his opinion, he is still looking for “$2,000 Gold prices and higher Silver prices before year-end”…

Rick Rule commented that in his opinion, “this market is the best buying opportunity since 2008“…

We were on information overload, and one of the main questions was ” Where is the bottom”?…there were diverse opinions, but the general consensus seemed to be that “We are near or at the bottom”…again, in this market you have to think like a contrarian, and several of the speakers told the audience that these times are buying opportunities of a lifetime…

Of GREAT SIGNIFICANCE IS THIS INFORMATION…the interwoven thread of the conference was still on how the investor should be looking at a company to invest in…the following are the keys to investment, in this order:  Management with significant experience in the industry (engineers, geologists etc.)…Board of Directors, seasoned and experiencedwell-financed and having the ability to finance – connections in the industry…and lastly, unique property/properties and an active drill program…another point that was prevalent, is that when the market is volatile and negative, like this, companies have to communicate and engage investors to makes sure their concerns are answered…general consensus again was if the company is not communicating, it;s time to reevaluate your position, there must be ongoing communication”…

Today’s Markets

The Dow and the TSX have each been down for 10 out of the last 11 sessions, and various technical indicators show a sharp rebound is likely imminent…stock index futures in New York as of 5:50 am Pacific are pointing to a relatively flat open…new U.S. claims for unemployment benefits were unchanged last week…European markets are weak this morning as worries over Spanish lender Bankia caused its shares to fall more than 20%, hitting markets and adding to growing fears of contagion from Greece’s economic crisis…a BIG policy response, something resembling a Marshall Plan-style package, is going to be necessary if Germany and others want to keep Greece in the euro zone…the problem. of course, with Greece exiting the euro zone is that such an event could lead to a domino effect which would threaten to rip apart the entire group…a BIG policy response would be inflationary and would require printing huge amounts of money, and that could be the catalyst that gets Gold and the stock markets on track again for higher levels

Asian stocks were generally positive overnight with China gaining 33 points to 23.79…

A Positive Contrarian Sign

Wall Street strategists are the most negative they’ve been on stocks since the bull market began more than three years ago…the consensus view of U.S. equity strategists from major banks is for investors to allocate just 52% of their portfolio to stocks and the rest to fixed income, commodities or cash, according to a Bloomberg survey…this is the lowest allocation for stocks since the nearly 50% level that the survey reached back in March 2009…

John has three company charts this morning – Yamana Gold (YRI, TSX), Northern Graphite (NGC, TSX-V) and Anglo-Swiss Resources (ASW, TSX-V)…the chart for Yamana provides encouragement that the TSX Gold Index, after plummeting 32% since near the end of February, has finally landed on support and is about to rebound…

Yamana Gold (YRI, TSX)

Northern Graphite (NGC, TSX-V)

Anglo-Swiss Resources (ASW, TSX-V)

Note: John and Jon hold positions in ASW (Terry does not).  John, Jon and Terry do not hold positions in YRI or NGC.


  1. Thanks for the update. Anything in terms of support levels on the Venture? we must be close now? Thanks Jon/John.

    Comment by STEVEN — May 17, 2012 @ 5:10 am

  2. Facebook is in the air. Joey called it Crapbook, but with 900 million viewers, they can envison
    lots of crap revenue. With revenue everyone gains & that’s what i see for Nasdaq today a big gain
    & hopefully, it’s gain will rub off on the other indices. Although Facebook don’t start trading
    before this afternoon eastern time, i expect a positive start this morning. Let the markets open. R !

    Comment by Bert — May 17, 2012 @ 5:22 am

  3. Correction ”envision”

    Comment by Bert — May 17, 2012 @ 5:24 am

  4. Boy oh boy, things are still not very good out there, it may change to the positive later
    today, but i am not willing to bet right now. Anyway, good luck ! R !

    Comment by Bert — May 17, 2012 @ 6:03 am

  5. gold up 30… US$ hit its head on 81:50ish.. if we have a swing low (close above 1563ish.. then we may be slowly coming outta the dark…

    Comment by Jeremy — May 17, 2012 @ 6:17 am

  6. My gut tells me with the venture showing a bit of strength that we may get something from RBW today. I guess time will tell, hopefully the venture can hold today…

    Comment by db — May 17, 2012 @ 7:38 am

  7. you are psychic DB

    Comment by pete — May 17, 2012 @ 7:54 am

  8. rainbowresourcesinc.com/pdfs/RBW%20May%2017%20NR%20Press%20release.pdf

    Comment by db — May 17, 2012 @ 8:24 am

  9. Looking at the map RBW posted on their website, they grabbed a couple really nice properties. One is right in the heart of Eagle Graphite’s claims they other just south.  all the properties are being prospected as we speak…

    Comment by db — May 17, 2012 @ 8:44 am

  10. Re: most recent RBW NR, a great HUNCH by BMR, congratulations !

    Comment by Bert — May 17, 2012 @ 8:46 am

  11. Jon, what do yo,u think of the two newly acquired properties? Things look like are about to get very interesting…

    Comment by db — May 17, 2012 @ 8:49 am

  12. Thanks, Bert, but it was an easy call after FGR’s news, ASW’s news, and Eagle’s staking…..this is RBW’s backyard….

    Comment by Jon - BMR — May 17, 2012 @ 8:49 am

  13. They seem to be nicely positioned….they say they have crews on the ground so we could get a better indication of things in the next week or two……they border both ends of blu starr which has the potential for a significant deposit……there is an advantage to being closer to the processing site….

    what i like also is the fact that drilling is getting set to start at gold viking………when the drills start turning, things should really heat up………..looks like a lot of holes planned there….9 separate sites with multiple holes possible at each site…..rbw continues to make progress…..

    Comment by Jon - BMR — May 17, 2012 @ 8:54 am

  14. Has RBW bee halted this morning or just no trading so far?

    Comment by GREG — May 17, 2012 @ 9:07 am

  15. Just not trading… Which I find quite weird with the substance in that NR

    Comment by db — May 17, 2012 @ 9:08 am

  16. The Venture overall is up a bit but quiet……

    Comment by Jon - BMR — May 17, 2012 @ 9:10 am

  17. Long weekend coming too – News or lack of from Jewel Ridge may be the first factor to move RBW. Anyone wanting to explore the staking may find this helpful:

    Mineral Titles Online (MTO). You do not need to log on.
    Go to mtonline.gov.bc.ca and click on ‘View Mineral Tenures’ and the map of B.C. will come up.
    You need to zoom into the area that you want to see (i.e. Slocan Valley) and you can click on the tenures in that area to see who/whom are the owners.

    Alternatively, you can search the companies in MTO and see where they have acquired their most recent tenures. You do not need to log on.
    Go to mtonline.gov.bc.ca and click on ‘Search for Mineral/Placer/Coal Title’s and then beside Owner Name, type in company name and click next. You will see a list of their current tenures.

    Comment by Andrew — May 17, 2012 @ 9:16 am

  18. I think/hope we will see something regarding Jewel Ridge before the weekend.

    Comment by db — May 17, 2012 @ 9:27 am

  19. So much for Facebook-mania, how could i have ever dreamed that one up. Sorry about that ! R !

    Comment by Bert — May 17, 2012 @ 10:05 am

  20. Bert – It doesn’t actually start trading until tomorrow does it? Maybe we should have our own facebook group that requires approval to join. Then we would get to know each other a little better and keep the more volatile personas at bay! 🙂

    Comment by Andrew — May 17, 2012 @ 10:10 am

  21. BMR a while back you had responded to a poster that your not in RBW to make a few pennies so how many pennies are in your price range if all goes well.

    Comment by Gerry — May 17, 2012 @ 10:17 am

  22. I second that notion Andrew…

    Comment by db — May 17, 2012 @ 10:27 am

  23. I see a distinct possibility for some drill-hole hits into high-grade material, massive galena, at the International where they will be drilling into a known structure…initially they will probably drill right into the heart of that structure which from historical records shows superb grades…what could the stock do if that were to happen, if they were to pull out some sweet high-grade numbers over decent widths? You can just imagine…from there they would logically step out to see how far this system could go……don’t forget, international has never been drilled before but high-grade ore was mined historically around the 30’s and 40’s…..the first report on the international from Snell labelled the property a “deposit”, so a lot of work has been done on the property up to this point with the exception of drilling………

    At Gold Viking, a similar type of situation……appears to be the same system as ottawa which was mined at an average silver grade of over 60 ounces per ton….looks like they have some very specific targets in mind, again aiming into the heart of a known structure….

    Very good odds on both……then of course there’s also the Ottawa and Referendum Properties (and more) plus now the graphite plays……..looks like news very soon on Jewel Ridge, if you look at RBW’s web site this morning, and I’m betting it’s going to be good……hard to go wrong on a property like that with historical pits and a great drill result of a couple of grams over 40 metres near-surface…..

    btw, i was told a little while ago that rbw is organizing trips for some major investors, newsletter writers/analysts to tour the properties this summer…great idea…should help generate a lot of interest….

    Comment by Jon - BMR — May 17, 2012 @ 10:37 am

  24. Andrew – Then we would get to know each other a little better and keep the more volatile personas at bay!

    Bert – I don’t know if i can agree with that, i am real for sure, but i may still fail your standards,
    what then ? R !

    Comment by Bert — May 17, 2012 @ 10:41 am

  25. Hey Bert, I don’t have any standards, we’re all from different backgrounds, different ages, different experiences, as long as we have a sense of humour (which I know you have) are ethical and have respect that’s good enough for me! 🙂

    Comment by Andrew — May 17, 2012 @ 10:57 am

  26. Jon – thanks for your input at #23

    Comment by Andrew — May 17, 2012 @ 10:58 am

  27. Andrew – As long as we have a sense of humour (which I know you have) are ethical and have respect that’s good enough for me!

    Bert – To wife, i passed ! i passed ! in fact, i got 100%.

    Comment by Bert — May 17, 2012 @ 10:59 am

  28. 0.50-0.75 on rbw you must have some sort of range

    Comment by Gerry — May 17, 2012 @ 11:28 am

  29. Gerry, my personal view is that we’re going to see a strong market in August and September which will be a very intense period for RBW on the ground with initial results likely coming in as well…..in that context, in a much better environment than what we’re seeing now, a company that pulls out a sweet drill hole of the high-grade type that International or Gold Viking is capable of producing could rocket very easily to a market cap of a minimum $20 million+++on up IMHO.

    Comment by Jon - BMR — May 17, 2012 @ 11:43 am

  30. I did make a mistake, thinking that Facebook would be coming public today.
    anyway, we will see what tomorrow brings for the different indices. R !

    Comment by Bert — May 17, 2012 @ 1:40 pm

  31. Currie Rose rolled-back shares to begin trading May 18
    Ticker Symbol: C:CUI

    Currie Rose rolled-back shares to begin trading May 18

    Currie Rose Resources Inc (C:CUI)
    Shares Issued 89,253,282
    Last Close 5/16/2012
    Thursday May 17 2012 – News Release

    Mr. Harold Smith reports

    Currie Rose Resources Inc., effective May 18, 2012, at market open, will consolidate its common shares on the basis of one new postconsolidation common share for every 2-1/2 preconsolidation common shares. The company’s common shares will begin trading on a postconsolidated basis on the TSX Venture Exchange on May 18, 2012.

    As a result of the consolidation, the company’s currently outstanding 89,253,282 common shares will be reduced to approximately 35,701,312 common shares. No fractional shares will be issued. Any fractions of a share will be rounded to the nearest whole number of common shares. The company’s name and trading symbol will remain unchanged. The consolidation was approved by shareholders at the annual general meeting held on May 1, 2012, and accepted by the TSX Venture Exchange on May 16, 2012.

    Registered shareholders will be required to exchange their share certificates representing preconsolidation common shares for new share certificates representing postconsolidation common shares. Registered shareholders will be sent a transmittal letter from the company’s transfer agent, Valiant Trust Company, as soon as practicable after the effective date of the consolidation. The letter of transmittal will contain instructions on how certificate(s) representing preconsolidation shares may be surrendered to Valiant Trust Company. The transfer agent will forward to each registered shareholder who has provided the required documents a new share certificate representing the number of postconsolidation common shares to which the shareholder is entitled. Until surrendered, each share certificate representing preconsolidation common shares of the company will be deemed for all purposes to represent the number of whole postconsolidation common shares to which the holder is entitled as a result of the consolidation.

    It is the opinion of the board of directors of the company that the consolidation will facilitate any new equity investment in the company.

    © 2012 Canjex Publishing Ltd.

    Comment by marc — May 17, 2012 @ 3:45 pm

  32. Andrew are you.going to start a BullMarketRun FB page? And Jon do you mind if we start one? Or do you want to get one running? Might drum up more attention for BMR…

    Comment by db — May 17, 2012 @ 3:56 pm

  33. DB

    Pray tell me what the advantage of a BMR facebook type page might be. It appears to me that BMR
    are quite capable of monitoring their site. R !

    Comment by Bert — May 17, 2012 @ 4:25 pm

  34. db – I’ll start one if there’s enough interest. Jon, John and Terry should be in agreement but it may not mesh with their long term objectives. If that was the case the fb page could have its own name. There are a lot of good contributors on this site and I’m sure have a lot more to offer and share.

    Comment by Andrew — May 17, 2012 @ 4:28 pm

  35. DB

    Disregard my previous post # 33, i understand it now. Sorry !

    Comment by Bert — May 17, 2012 @ 4:32 pm

  36. Thanks Jon for your feedback

    Comment by Gerry — May 17, 2012 @ 5:49 pm

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