Gold has strengthened this morning, and as of 7:30 am Pacific time is hovering around $1,137 an ounce…traders should sell into strength and buy into weakness during this current correction and consolidation period…we see a two-week opportunity to pick up shares in strong junior resource issues that have pulled back in price since gold’s correction began last week…we expect both gold and the Venture Exchange to blast off right after Christmas, and we’ll get more specific about our reasons for that in the days ahead…Colombian Gold Mines (CMJ, TSX-V) which we initiated coverage on here recently at 60 cents, is trading at 71 cents this morning and looking very strong…we recommend accumulating on any weakness or any kind of a pullback as we see CMJ running well past the $1.00 mark early in the New Year…a company we’re also keeping a close eye on right now is Gold Bullion Development Corporation (GBB, TSX-V) which has the Granada Mine in Quebec, about 40 miles from Osisko…Gold Bullion has traded some impressive volumes the last couple of days and $1.5 million in private placement money is coming into this company to advance the Granada project which offers considerable potential in our view…we recommend investors do their due diligence on GBB and consider accumulating at the seven cent level…the fight for Freewest Resources (FWR, TSX-V) between Noront Resources (NOT, TSX-V) and Cliffs Natural Resources (CLF, NYSE) seems to be at a standoff at the moment…Noront’s news release yesterday afternoon
serves as further confirmation in our view that Freewest shareholders are better off tendering to Noront to benefit from the incredible upside potential of the Ring of Fire and perhaps the best bull market we’ll ever see in the Venture Exchange…more on the Freewest fight tomorrow…