In the face of a declining 10-day moving average, and predictions of further weakness in gold, the Venture Exchange – which has been our #1 leading indicator over the past 18 months – has reversed course this morning and is quickly headed north, up 13 points in the first 20 minutes of trading…we are advising readers to lock in long positions on some of our favorite stocks including Seafield Resources (SFF, TSX-V), Colombian Mines (CMJ, TSX-V), Kent Exploration (KEX, TSX-V) and Westscore Energy (WTR, TSX-V)…

We also strongly suggest IMMEDIATE accumulation in Gold Bullion Development (GBB, TSX-V) which has already traded over 200,000 shares this morning at 7.5 cents…we expect a very substantial move in GBB by month-end/early January, and we’ll soon be issuing a more comprehensive report on this intriguing Quebec gold play which could be a near-term producer with its Granada Mine…

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