A Proven & Reliable Daily Source For Money-Making Market Strategies
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- Unlimited access to all BMR content
- Time-sensitive text message alerts (premium package) for special trading opportunities
- Unique access to our team including a weekly Group Zoom Call
- Risk-free, 100% satisfaction guarantee (first-time subscribers)
BMR Pro: $759
- Unlimited access to all BMR content
- Time-sensitive text message alerts (basic package) for special trading opportunities
- Risk-free, 100% satisfaction guarantee (first-time subscribers)
There is no service like BMR, anywhere, that specializes in covering the speculative markets like we’ve been doing on a daily basis since 2009! Our revenue model is 100% subscriber-based – we don’t accept compensation of any sort from any company for coverage on BMR.
We are truly unique in the industry and we deliver profits for our subscribers thanks to a talented, proven team that knows the markets and how political trends and government decisions impact those markets.
We are in unprecedented times, meaning unprecedented opportunities! Political change is bringing the resource sector back to life while a Crypto bull market prepares for its next leg up.
Within just minutes for a small risk-free investment, you can start profiting immediately from this next leg up in the Venture market and gain unlimited access to all of BMR’s daily online content.
BMR became a subscriber-only service in late 2015 when we correctly predicted the start of a new Venture/commodities bull market by early 2016.
Our 2016 Top Opportunities List returned spectacular gains, including a 118% advance for our Top 50, soundly beating all markets. Meanwhile, a series of ETF trade recommendations produced an average annualized gain of nearly 500%!
We soundly beat the markets again in 2017 when BMR correctly called the 2 newest discoveries in British Columbia (Nickel Mountain and Saddle South) that made many subscribers fortunes! We grew from there with many more great calls over the years including of course Atlas Salt’s meteoric rise from a $4 million market cap in early 2021 to nearly $500 million in 2022 with the Great Atlantic Salt Project on track to become the world’s most state-of-the-art salt mine.
Approximately 60% of our content is devoted to the resource sector while approximately 40% is dedicated to other sectors including Crypto where we have also delivered incredible returns for our subscribers.
Some services would charge you $3,000 or more to access those kinds of returns and the proprietary trading/investment strategies we have developed at BMR.
Not only can you start a BMR membership today for a fraction of what you can make from our proven strategies, but if you’re not 100% satisfied after your first 6 months – if you don’t think your membership is one of the best investments you’ve ever made – we will refund your subscription payment in full, no questions asked. That’s our 100% satisfaction guarantee for first-time subscribers, unmatched in the industry. So you have nothing to lose.
This site is a highly valuable due diligence tool intended for serious investors, including brokers, who follow the broader markets and the speculative junior sector (Venture and CSE). BMR features superior technical analysis and research you simply won’t find anywhere else.
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You DO NOT require a PayPal account to sign up. All major credit cards and debit cards are accepted. If you have any difficulties with the sign-up process, which should take just a few minutes, email us at and our administrator will be happy to assist you.
A BMR subscription is for 6-months’ service. For convenience purposes, subscriptions are automatically renewed after that period. In the event you don’t wish to renew your subscription for another 6 months, please let us know within 2 weeks of the expiry date of your subscription and it will be cancelled after the 6-month period expires. Otherwise, the automatic renewal will take effect.
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Fortunes are born at and near the bottom of cycles, and more than 85% was wiped off the value of the Venture from its May 2007 high to its January 20, 2016, intra-day all-time low of 466.
That’s why the timing could not have been better to have started this new phase of BMR in September 2015 as a subscriber-funded service that empowers investors, keeps us independent from the companies we cover, and allows us to:
- Expand our commitment to our growing readership
- Unveil new features and initiatives
At BMR, we’re convinced that current conditions, with the Venture trading around 600, provide another “opportunity of a lifetime” for investors.
Political change in the United State and Canada is driving massive developments related to the resource sector, commodities, Crypto, technology and just about everything else – essentially, we’re seeing change on a dramatic scale covering all aspects of society.
Part of the formula for money-making success includes getting your timing right, understanding the trends, and keeping mistakes to a minimum.
The other critical part, of course, is selecting the best speculative opportunities in these volatile markets including those companies who are the rising new stars.
We have the experience and by transitioning into a subscriber-funded service, we’ll have even more resources to save you time and help you succeed like never before, in both turbulent markets and rip-roaring bull markets.
Over the past 15 years, BMR has been a reliable and integral daily source of valuable information for a growing audience of investors. Our team, with decades of combined market and geological expertise, provides unique daily coverage of the Venture and CSE, key commodities, Cryptocurrencies, fiat currencies, and the broader equity markets. We present carefully chosen speculative companies and advanced/established situations with the potential to post above-average and even spectacular returns. Importantly, we also feature an active and clean investor forum where BMR readers share ideas and learn from each other.
Investors in this fast-paced world are constantly bombarded on a daily basis with information and misinformation from a multitude of sources including the mainstream media and countless companies.
At BMR, we cut through the “fog” of the day to find the critical facts and lay out opportunities and risks in a simple, easy-to-read format.
This includes expert chart analysis, fundamentals and in-depth reporting that, in combination, you simply won’t find anywhere else as it pertains to commodities, the Crypto sector, the Venture and CSE, and specific companies.
Valuable information that can literally pay for your BMR subscription with a single trade, and help you build a dynamic portfolio that includes speculative stocks with the potential to become the next 10-baggers as this bull market intensifies.