A Daily, Vibrant Voice Focused on Speculative Opportunities, Commodities, and Economic and Political Trends Impacting the Resource Sector and Equity Markets

Gold Bullion Development (GBB, TSX-V) has just come out with major news (shortly before 8 am Pacific time) which strongly suggests that gold mineralization is widespread throughout the Phase 1 LONG Bars Zone east-northeast discovery area.

“Drilling in this promising area has totaled nearly 4,000 metres (17 holes) so far and is consistently intersecting multiple zones of altered feldspar porphyry, favorable for gold mineralization, along with some quartz veining in all directions surrounding discovery hole GR-10-17.  Visible gold has been observed in a few of the holes.”

We are continuing to review the release as it contains a significant amount of detail including information regarding another potential discovery area – LONG Bars Zone 2, approximately 1800 metres east of GR-10-17.

This is highly significant new information, providing substantial further evidence that the Granada Gold Property has the potential to host 5+ million ounces of gold as a very large open-pit deposit.  More later today.

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