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GoldQuest Interview (Bill Fisher): Part 2 - BullMarketRun.com

June 12, 2012

GoldQuest Interview (Bill Fisher): Part 2

GoldQuest Mining (GQC, TSX-V) resumed drilling last week within a 700 m x 500 m area at its Romero discovery in the Dominican Republic with the objective of gaining a better understanding of the geometry of this early-stage deposit prior to a more extensive drill program later in the summer…GoldQuest Chairman Bill Fisher granted his first interview on the Romero discovery to BMR June 4 at the Vancouver Resource Show, and below is the second part of his discussion with Jon which we have separated into two separate audio files (Part 2-A and Part 2-B) for easier downloading…

BMR June 4 GoldQuest Interview (Part 2-A)

BMR June 4 GoldQuest Interview (Part 2-B)

1 Comment

  1. Have thanked BMR on other sites as well as Fisher. Can understand why holding the interview may have been necessary. In any event the interview represents an excellent service to investors.

    The GoldQuest story is interesting and I do hope BMR will continue to follow them and perhaps take a look at some of the other juniors operating in the D.R.

    If you were not invited to the D.R. you should have been It will be interesting to see if any of the other letter writers do as good a job as you have in writing about GQC.

    The fact that there have been no comments may indicate a lack of interest in GQC. If so the word still has not really gotten out.

    Comment by George Wohanka — June 12, 2012 @ 4:18 pm

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