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June 30, 2024

Happy Canada Day!

Happy CANADA Day!


We truly have something to celebrate July 1CANADA!

The True North Strong and Free (or at least that’s what it’s supposed to be and will be again very soon).

We are incredibly fortunate to live in this country with the opportunities God has blessed us with, including all the bountiful resources in the ground (drill, baby, drill!) that have helped drive our prosperity and remain critical to our economic future.

Though we have underachieved as a nation under Trudeau’s socialism the last 8-and-a-half years, with Big Government smothering the private sector with high taxes, out-of-control federal spending, incompetent management and excessive regulation, all signs are that a massive grassroots movement of Canadians – a Common Sense Revolution – is going to get this country back on track with new leadership and sweeping change that will deliver our greatest years ever.

Canadians built a successful, proud nation through a hard working entrepreneurial spirit based on the principle that success is rewarded, not punished, and that government is meant to serve the people, not the other way around.

Government that thinks it knows best how to run our lives, government that is constantly in our faces and in our pocketbooks, is government that needs to be replaced and forever restrained.

“Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” became new words for the promotion of a Neo-Marxist agenda by woke “progressives” determined to cancel our cherished history and turn Canada into nothing more than a collection of groups, with no common purpose, manipulated by a government obsessed with identity politics and making as many of its citizens as possible dependent on the Nanny State.

A year ago at this time, we declared: The fight to Take Back Our Country has only just started.”

Indeed, that fight has greatly intensified over the past 12 months and will deliver the desired result.

The best for Canada is yet to come.

Enjoy a safe and awesome Canada Day with friends and family.

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