A Daily, Vibrant Voice Focused on Speculative Opportunities, Commodities, and Economic and Political Trends Impacting the Resource Sector and Equity Markets

A Special Easter Message

At BullMarketRun, our aim is to guide you safely and profitably through the very volatile TSX Venture Exchange (CDNX) and introduce companies to you that have the potential of increasing by hundreds and even thousands of percent.  We have delivered some tremendous winners over the last number of months:

Gold Bullion Development – up 321% since mid-December, 2009

Seafield Resources – up 342% since August, 2009

Colombian Mines Corporation – up 117% since December, 2009

Richfield Minerals – up 44% since December, 2009

Sidon International Resources – up 20% since March 31, 2010

Half of our recommendations from last year are up over 100%, and only one of the 7 stocks in the BMR portfolio is actually down from when we initiated coverage – Greencastle Resources, though we know Greencastle will yet enjoy a terrific 2010.

We have made consistently correct calls on the direction of both the CDNX and gold.  We’re not boasting but to use a baseball analogy, we’re “in the zone” right now and we’re knocking a lot of pitches right out of the park (I have some valued assistants but one critical “helper” who I will introduce shortly).

I’ve had some BMR readers tell me that their lives have changed with massive profits they’ve made on Gold Bullion and Seafield in particular.  That’s encouraging to hear but I have something very personal to share regarding that kind of statement which ties in nicely with Easter.

I’m currently 46 years old.  Just seven years ago I lost everything I had in a business failure.  It was a humbling experience.  I was deeply in debt and was left with just $100 cash in my pocket.  I didn’t realize it at the time but in retrospect that was the best thing that ever could have happened to me.

Over the next two years I made the greatest discovery of my life, far more important than Gold Bullion Development or any other stock I will ever uncover the rest of my time here on earth:  Jesus Christ.  I had always believed in God, in a general sort of way, but He was very distant for me and I had no understanding of who Jesus really was (and is).  I made that discovery through asking questions and, most importantly, reading the Bible for the first time in my life.

In the spring of 2005, I asked Jesus Christ into my heart as my Lord and Saviour.  My life has never been the same since.  It was the best decision I ever made and the best decision I ever will make.  If you’re not already a Christian, if you’re not really at peace and you’re searching for ways to change your life – I encourage you to pick up the Bible, start with the Book of John, and discover as I did that Jesus is indeed “the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the father, but by me.”  (John 14:6, KJV)

Jesus has the kind of transformational power that will truly change a person’s life, and I’m an example of that.  A 2,000 percent gain on Gold Bullion, Seafield, Sidon or any other stock we highlight could be an incredible blessing for anyone but it would not bring the kind of change in a person’s life that only Jesus can deliver.  I would not trade my Lord and Saviour for anything in this world – not for all the gold along the Cadillac Trend, not for anything.

To some, unfortunately, Easter is just a  “spring holiday”.  What it’s really about, though, is The Cross.  It’s about what Jesus did for you and me at Calvary.  He suffered and shed His precious blood for the sins of mankind and rose from the dead three days later in history’s Greatest Triumph.  That is why we celebrate Easter.  By faith and grace, and with a repentant heart, I was saved on a beautiful spring day in 2005 as I finally understood who Jesus was, who He is (the living Son of God) and what He did for me on The Cross.  I’m a sinner saved by grace and faith because of Jesus’ death and resurrection.

I had coffee at Starbucks the other day with my pastor who is new to town and has become a real blessing in my life.   I mentioned to him the Bible has taught me more about money and how to handle it and invest it than any other book I’ve read, and we had a great conversation about the importance God places on managing money and making it grow.   There are actually more verses in the Bible pertaining to money than anything else.  Money itself is not the root of all evil, just the love of money – you start going down a slippery slope when money becomes your “idol” and you put it ahead of everything else in your life.

God does want to bless each of us financially.  But I had to think much differently about money and I also had to become a good steward of it before I started getting blessed. And I have been blessed abundantly – I am now completely debt free with more money now than I’ve ever had my entire life.  Money serves me now, not the other way around.  Money is sort of a tool that God uses in my life to help bring about some of the plans and purposes He has for me.

I hope this message is accepted in the way it was intended, with love and a sincere desire for everyone to take a moment this weekend to reflect on why we celebrate Easter and what is most important in life.  Our individual stock portfolios change every day and there are never any guarantees.  What goes up eventually comes down.   Jesus never changes – He is the same today, yesterday and forever – and guarantees our salvation and eternal life if we simply place our faith in Him.  God put us on this earth for a reason – to enjoy a personal, intimate relationship with Him – and He made it possible for us to do that through his Son Jesus Christ and what He did for you and me on The Cross.

Below is a link to an Easter card for our valued BMR readers.

Blessings and enjoy a wonderful Easter.


Writer, BullMarketRun



  1. Praise to our Lord Jesus Christ!!! You are a brave man to share something so personal in this Public way. My life too has changed for the better for seeking Jesus and having read the bible, every word.
    May our Lord continue to richly bless you Jon.

    Your bro in Christ,


  2. Thanks for the great story, I believe whole heartedly in what you say. I would just like to add a verse
    Proverbs 3:6
    In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

    We all make decisions in life, but I have learned that if you do what the verse says, there is a lot less worry and strife, because he directs your paths. It is profound if you think about it.
    Not saying everything goes 100%, including stock picks. But trusting God in everything is an important lesson to learn.

    Happy Easter

  3. God has blessed me in the same way. I have more money than ever before in my life after going through bankruptcy twenty years ago. It is only God’s grace and I know that we are meant to share our blessings and realize that all wealth is temporary and to be used prudently and wisely.

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