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October 13, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving!


It’s Thanksgiving in Canada, a very special time to “serve” and to share with friends and family. In particular, no matter what challenging circumstances we may each face at the moment, it’s a day to reflect on all the blessings we do enjoy in our personal lives and to be grateful for each and every one of them. Having an “attitude of gratitude” every day of the year, not just at special times such as this, is critical.

Many of us may not feel as “rich” as we were at the height of the most recent junior resource bull market, but we challenge everyone to think of richness not just in financial terms (though keep in mind that it’s times like this when fortunes are born – indeed, the junior market is ready to rip again as we’ll explain in a post tomorrow).

Canada is a mess right now under incompetent leadership and woke ideology that has permeated our culture like a cancer, but we can be thankful we have the opportunity, the courage and the determination to fix it and take our country back. It’s going to happen, and soon!

We are deeply grateful for the brave men and women in the Canadian armed forces who serve our country, those who have served, and the many who served and paid the ultimate sacrifice to protect freedom and democracy.

Today, especially, our thoughts and prayers also go to our friends in Israel – the only democracy in the Middle East – who are fighting not only a 7-front war against radical Islam but increasing antisemitism around the world including right here (disgracefully) in North America, fuelled in part by politicians with no moral compass. Israel came under attack again today from Hamas terrorists in 1 of the bloodiest days for the Jewish state since the October 7 2023 massacre.

God has called us to live generous lives and to be a blessing to others. From all of us at BMR, Happy Thanksgiving!  We are also grateful for you and each and every one of our loyal readers who make this site possible. It’s our fierce determination to serve you better than ever.

To our American friends, who celebrate Thanksgiving next month, Monday is Columbus Day. This important day remembers Christopher Columbus’ arrival to the Americas on October 12, 1492.

Canadian stock markets are closed tomorrow. U.S. stock markets are open (the bond market is closed) though trading volumes will be lighter with the Columbus Day holiday.



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