Below is a slide show of eight pictures we took from the Granada Gold Property – enjoy (there is 10 seconds between each picture which automatically changes).
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Entrance to the Granada Gold Property just 1.5 kilometres southeast of the village of Granada and 5 kilometres south of the Rouyn-Noranda city centre.
This is the second Landrill International Inc. rig which commenced drilling within the Preliminary Block Model mid-week. It started just east of the waste pile and just north of Pit #2 East.
Granada’s Wild West: This is looking west of Pit #1 where a number of holes were drilled in the 1990’s, searching for high grade quartz veins. Detailed follow-up drilling in the far west portion of Granada was recommended in a 2006 Technical Report. Drill hole 92-19 intersected 4.7 g/t Au over 3.4 metres while 92-18 encountered 6.3 g/t Au over 2.35 metres.
The Granada waste pile is huge – this is just a portion of it (eastern half). Gold Bullion’s sampling of its waste pile in 2007 returned a stunning grade of 1.75 g/t Au. The stick with a flag is a planned drill hole.
GENIVAR’s Nathan Jourdain standing at Pit #2 West where a considerable amount of historical mining took place at Granada.
GENIVAR’s Project Manager for Granada (Geologist Nicole Rioux) along with Technician Nathan Jourdain.
GENIVAR’s Project Manager Nicole Rioux returns from visiting a drill site with a Rouyn newspaper reporter who was at the Granada Property Friday (June 4).