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The Week In Review And A Look Ahead - BullMarketRun.com

February 7, 2010

The Week In Review And A Look Ahead


The Venture Exchange was down for the fourth consecutive week ending Friday, February 5, as commodities struggled and gold fell as low as $1,040 an ounce. The CDNX reversed intra-day last Friday, however, erasing a 23 point decline and finishing up 3 points for a close of 1,455.

This market is now down 11% from its January high of 1,629, a correction similar to the one we saw last July when the CDNX also came very close to touching its advancing 100-day moving average. Friday’s reversal could prove to be significant but it was on low volume. An encouraging sign, however, is that the CDNX has greatly outperformed gold and the TSX Gold Index over the past two months – that tells us that the gold bull market remains firmly intact, and the next really big move in gold is likely up and not down.

Historically, CDNX corrections within an overall bull market can be quite severe, even in the order of 30% over a short period of time. From a technical perspective we believe it’s critical the CDNX does not break below the 1,400 level. That is where it has very strong support with its 100-day moving average actually at 1,415. We saw this market drop below its 50-day moving average this past week, and the decline straight down to 1,429 was very quick. A drop below 1,400 would suggest a more significant correction is at hand.

However, given the out-performance of the CDNX vs. gold and even the overall markets as a whole, we believe the greater probability is that this market will soon gain traction and we’ll be looking back at this time as a terrific buying opportunity. We therefore like high-quality issues right now, including all the companies in our BullMarketRun.com portfolio, that have been beaten down somewhat in recent days.

In terms of the TSX Gold Index, the HGD (the short Index ETF) ran into severe resistance at its declining 200-day moving average last Friday, as predicted, and fell intra-day from $5.74 to $4.99. We believe this bodes well for a modest recovery in gold and the markets as a whole this coming week.

BullMarketRun.com Portfolio

Gold Bullion Development Corporation (GBB, TSX-V)

Gold Bullion showed renewed strength this past week and from a technical perspective the stock is looking very healthy. GBB was up a penny on the week to 10 cents, right in between its weekly low (.085) and high (.115). New assay results are likely coming out soon from Gold Bullion’s drilling at its Granada Gold Property near Rouyn, Quebec. We have studied the Granada Property intensely and our view is that this former producer along the prolific “Cadillac Trend” has tremendous potential to develop into an economic, open pit, large bulk tonnage deposit with a mineable grade of at least 1 g/t. Bring on the assay results and drill this property like crazy – that’s our position. Granada has strong similarities to other properties in the region that were also former producers and developed into very large deposits. At 10 cents and a market cap of only $8 million, Gold Bullion is highly attractive from a risk-reward ratio. A great exploration story is unfolding here.

Seafield Resources (SFF, TSX-V)

, which we first recommended at six cents last summer, was actually up on the week as well, gaining 1.5 cents to .215. Patience remains the key here – Seafield’s Colombian property acquisitions have yet to be announced. We have no concerns about Seafield, as we pointed out in our last weekly review, and any weakness in this stock has always been a good buying opportunity. We expect we’ll start to see some fireworks with Seafield sometime this month.

Kent Exploration (KEX, TSX-V)

Kent had a rough week, as expected, with the release of poor gold/silver drilling results from its Flagstaff Property in Washington State. The stock dropped three cents to close at 15 cents Friday. This is a company, however, that has been built over the past year on a very solid foundation. Its New Zealand and Australian properties are first-rate, and of course Flagstaff is still very valuable for its high-grade barite which will likely be brought into production later this year (generating significant cash flow for the company). Kent’s current market cap is only about $5 million – longer-term investors understand the value here and are accumulating this stock right now at undervalued prices. We expect Kent will turn around sharply when drilling commences at Gnaweeda in Australia and possibily Alexander River in New Zealand.

Greencastle Resources (VGN, TSX-V)

Greencastle suffered with the overall market and closed at just 16 cents last Friday, down 2.5 cents on the week. Any weakness in Greencastle is clearly a buying opportunity as this company is trading at just a small premium to its cash value. Its Boggy Lake-Cabri oil project in southwestern Saskatchewan could ultimately propel this stock to new all-time highs in the coming months. The company has regular monthly cash flow of around $120,000 from its Primate royalties, as well as valuable gold assets in Nevada and a strategically located coal property in Manitoba near a discovery last year by Westcore Energy (WTR, TSX-V). With a market cap of just $7 million, it’s hard not to feel safe, secure and very optimistic with this play.

Richfield Ventures (RVC, TSX-V)

Richfield closed under $1.00 Friday (98 cents for a 2 cent loss on the week) for the first time since late October. As we have mentioned repeatedly, Richfield has been under pressure recently due to cheap private placement stock that has become free trading. There is also a winter break in drilling at the Blackwater project in the Interior of BC, which could possibly contain several million ounces of gold. We believe the stock will continue to drift for a while longer but longer term investors should consider building positions during this period of weakness which may not last for more than another month or two.

Colombian Mines Corporation (CMJ, TSX-V)

Colombian Mines jumped 16 cents on the week to close at 91 cents. It announced it will likely begin drilling its promising Yarumalito Property in Colombia this coming week. CMJ has strong roots in Colombia and has built up a tremendous portfolio of high quality exploration projects there, so we’re convinced this is an important holding for anyone who is bullish on both gold and Colombia.

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