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Top 50 Opportunities Review - BullMarketRun.com

March 13, 2016

Top 50 Opportunities Review

Gold producers and near-producers both picked up the pace last week in the BMR Top 50 Opportunities List that was unveiled in early December, though money continues to flow steadily into junior exploration stocks.

Combined, the 5 categories have posted a stellar average gain of 38.8% since December 4 vs. an 11.7% advance for the Venture.  The TSX is up 1.2% during that time, the Dow has fallen 3.5% while the NASDAQ is off 7.9%.  Gold has climbed 15.1% since December 4.

The BMR Explorers’ Category has had the strongest momentum the last few weeks with the 17 picks now sporting an average return of 43.8%.  Cordoba Minerals (CDB, TSX-V) and Lithium X Energy (LIX, TSX-V) have led the way with massive gains of 208% and 174%, respectively.

Gold Producers have jumped 45.2% with Kirkland Lake Gold (KGI, TSX), Claude Resources (CRJ, TSX), Richmont Mines (RIC, TSX) and OceanaGold (OGC, TSX) setting the pace with gains of 80%, 79.2%, 67.2% and 50%, respectively.  Seven of the 8 selections in that category have gained in value.

Near-Term Producers/Advanced Resources category is now up 43.6%.  True Gold Mining (TGM, TSX-V), about to be merged with Endeavour Mining (EDV, TSX), has surged 90% since December 4Gold Standard Ventures (GSV, TSX-V) has powered 83.6% higher, Kaminak Gold (KAM, TSX-V) is on the move, up 80%, while Nemaska Lithium (NMX, TSX-V) and GoldQuest Mining (GQC, TSX-V) have also been hot.

The best performing category is Sleepers Under A Nickel – 3 very speculative plays that are doing extremely well.  Walker River Resources (WRR, TSX-V) is up a whopping 140%.

The Non-Resource category is gaining traction and is now up 13.4%, led by a 41.7% jump in Greencastle Resources (VGN, TSX-V).  Greencastle, which is still trading below its working capital position, holds a couple of Gold properties in Nevada.  More importantly, however, they own 8 million shares of Deveron Resources (DVR, TSX-V) which will soon to be trading on the CSE as a drone and technology deal with an incredibly exciting business model and some powerful players behind it.

We’ve also added 4 new companies to our list – Canasil Resources (CZL, TSX-V), Calibre Mining (CXB, TSX-V), Gold Bullion Development (GBB, TSX-V) and Nevada Energy Metals (BFF, TSX-V) are already up a combined 14.9% over just 3 weeks.

In today’s report is a performance review of each category.  In total, 38 of the 50 picks have increased in value since the 4th of December, 10 are down and 2 are unchanged.  The average return so far, as mentioned, is an impressive 37.3%.  We’ll be issuing an updated Top 50 Opportunities List (#2) in the near future.

1.  Four explorers post 3-month gains of 100% or more…

2.  Interest remains high in Lithium plays as evidenced by two large financings announced Friday…

3.  Certain non-resource plays that could surge during this 1st half of 2016

In total, 35 of the 50 picks have increased in value since the 4th of December, 13 are down and 2 are unchanged.  The average return so far, as mentioned, is an impressive 38.8%.  We’ll be issuing an updated Top 50 Opportunities List (#2) in the near future.

To view the full report, login with your username and password, or click here to gain full access to this and other exclusive BMR content and features…

Comments (10)


  1. OK so when does the BMR ETF start:) ???

    Comment by Jeremy — March 13, 2016 @ 11:17 am

  2. Good one!!!!

    Comment by GregJ. — March 13, 2016 @ 3:03 pm

  3. Oh yeh baby!!!!:)

    Comment by Jeremy — March 13, 2016 @ 6:57 pm

  4. BLO closes $2 million financing, double what was initially proposed.

    Comment by Jon - BMR — March 14, 2016 @ 5:23 am

  5. NKO beginning an explosion on Indian gas re-pricing and lender extensions.Multi-bagger on the way!

    Comment by robinandthe7hoods — March 14, 2016 @ 5:59 am

  6. BFF – why does a VSE listed stock want more 50% more shares without a financing? Harry what are you up to this time?

    some of DJI management were working w Bharti when he was making oodles of cash out on Rodinia’s Clayton play, which was dropped Oct, 2013, partly because the BLM raised the explo fees from $140 to $1,120 per claim.

    “As a result, Rodinia has decided against renewing the 1,012 claims that make up its Clayton Valley project, which the company has described as the only lithium brine source in North America, and where it started exploration in 2009. The company says Clayton Valley contains at least five lithium-brine aquifers, with grades ranging from 180 to 420 parts per million lithium.
    Rodinia will conserve cash instead, and focus on its wholly owned Salar de Diablillos lithium project in Argentina. The decision, president and CEO William Randall said in prepared remarks, “was not easy,” and was reached only “after a significant amount of effort to find creative, alternative solutions.”
    He added that “at the end of the day, our exploration work did not support the continued expenditures for the claims in a challenging capital-markets environment”

    Comment by david — March 14, 2016 @ 6:03 am

  7. Jeremy – That was a nice W formation in the chart on nhc. Now showing $5.38 as resistance if your still in it.

    Comment by dave — March 14, 2016 @ 6:15 am

  8. Interesting, David…you don’t see too many share splits these days…it does have the effect of improving market liquidity, and that could obviously be the rationale…they just did a financing in January…Harry is not the one calling the shots here, which is one reason we’re rather bullish on this play…

    Comment by Jon - BMR — March 14, 2016 @ 6:18 am

  9. Hey Dave – yep still in… thx for the heads up.. wondering why PHM is languishing… something doesnt make sense thee for sure….

    Comment by Jeremy — March 14, 2016 @ 6:34 am

  10. BFFF – 15mm shrs at 0.015 cents + 2 yr (not a typo), 5 cent wts + 18MM shts at 0.05 + 2 yr wts at 10. 66MM shrs placed in the last yr. gotta assume lotsa players dumped their 0.015 stuff for the 5 cent. the listing on Xetra was to facilitate addt’l trading. so a PP to get them in at 0.15 for a change. BFF is also a PINK trader, which is where I typically have seen the forward splits done, to benefit the benefit of the shell holders, not new investors.

    Comment by david — March 14, 2016 @ 8:14 am

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