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Top 50 Opportunities Review - BullMarketRun.com

March 20, 2016

Top 50 Opportunities Review

The Explorers, Sleepers and New Additions categories continue to gain momentum in the BMR Top 50 Opportunities List that was unveiled in early December.

Combined, the 5 initial categories from December 4 have posted a stellar average return of 36.0% vs. a 12.4% advance for the Venture. The TSX is up 1.0% during that time, the Dow has fallen 1.4% while the NASDAQ is off 6.7%.  Gold has climbed 15.6% since December 4.

The BMR New Additions category is already up 28.3% since February 23, comprising Canasil Resources (CLZ, TSX-V), Calibre Mining (CXB, TSX-V), Gold Bullion Development (GBB, TSX-V) and Nevada Energy Metals (BFF, TSX-V).

The Explorers category, featuring 17 companies, has climbed an average of 46% since December 4, led by Cordoba Minerals (CDB, TSX-V) and Lithium X Energy (LIX, TSX-V) with massive gains of 208% and 191%, respectively.

The Near-Term Producers/Advanced Resources category is now up 45.6%.  True Gold Mining (TGM, TSX-V), about to be merged with Endeavour Mining (EDV, TSX), has surged 96% since December 4Kaminak Gold (KAM, TSX-V) has jumped 87.5%, Gold Standard Ventures (GSV, TSX-V) is up 79.5% while Nemaska Lithium (NMX, TSX-V) is 79% higher.

Gold Producers have increased 41.5% with Kirkland Lake Gold (KGI, TSX), Claude Resources (CRJ, TSX), Richmont Mines (RIC, TSX) and OceanaGold (OGC, TSX) setting the pace with gains of 84%, 71%, 51% and 46%, respectively.  Seven of the 8 selections in that category have gained in value.

The best performing category is Sleepers Under A Nickel – 3 very speculative plays that are doing extremely well.  Walker River Resources (WRR, TSX-V) is up a whopping 160%.

The Non-Resource category is lagging behind the others, posting an average gain of 8.8%.   This is led by 33.3% advances in Cematrix Corp. (CVX, TSX-V) and Greencastle Resources (VGN, TSX-V).  Greencastle, which is still trading below its working capital position, holds a couple of Gold properties in Nevada.  More importantly, however, they own 8 million shares of Deveron Resources (DVR, TSX-V) which will soon to be trading on the CSE as a drone and technology deal with an incredibly exciting business model and some powerful players behind it.

In tonight’s report is an updated performance review of each category.  In total, 35 of the 50 picks have increased in value since the 4th of December, 14 are down and 1 is unchanged.  The average return so far, as mentioned, is an impressive 36.0%.  We’ll be issuing an updated Top 50 Opportunities List (#2) in the near future.

1.  Three explorers post 3-month gains of 150% or more…

2.  Interest remains high in Lithium plays with one Venture company even completing a stock split…

3.  Certain non-resource plays that could surge during this 1st half of 2016

To view the full report, login with your username and password, or click here to gain full access to this and other exclusive BMR content and features…

Comments (2)


  1. Impressive results. Have you had a chance to look into Nxo.v yet? Possible game changer which could affect many of worlds largest companies.

    Comment by charleybarley — March 21, 2016 @ 6:56 am

  2. Cielo waste solutions inc . CMC.C
    Is worth a gander if anyone is looking for something new , their doing some cool stuff .

    Comment by T — March 21, 2016 @ 7:49 am

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