Folks, we were very fortunate to track down Gold Bullion Development (GBB, TSX-V) President/CEO Frank Basa this afternoon who consented to about a 10-minute audio interview after this afternoon’s “whopper” of a news release.

We are truly excited about Gold Bullion and, admittedly, it’s a great feeling to have uncovered this gem for our readers back in December when it was languishing at 7 cents…and to see now a discovery in the making.  We congratulate those investors who have stayed patient with this one over the last month – that patience is definitely going to be rewarded handsomely.

This is a fascinating interview, exclusive to readers – simply click on the link below.  It is in MP3 format.

Gold Bullion Interview

We are continuing to analyze Gold Bullion’s news release issued this afternoon, and as mentioned earlier we’re working on another article that will be posted prior to the market open tomorrow.

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