Confirming our theory on the Granada Gold Property, Gold Bullion Development Corporation (GBB, TSX-V) has come out with STELLAR news this afternoon, following the market close, with intersections and grades on drill results that are the best ever seen at this property and confirm its immense upside potential.

As bullish as we have been on this property, this news has even take us a little by surprise this early on in the exploration stage.  We are pouring over the numbers and also desperately trying to get in touch with Gold Bullion President/CEO Frank Basa for an interview we can post here at

We’ll be coming out with a much more detailed analysis by tomorrow morning, prior to market open, but here are the highlights from a quick review of the release:

1.  Some of these grades and intersections are very comparable to Osisko’s early results from the 10 million+ ounce Canadian Malartic Deposit;

2.  All this mineralization is at very shallow depths – mineable grades and near-surface.  This is extremely significant.

3.  An eastern-northeastern extension to the Granada Property has clearly been confirmed, and keep in mind GBB has stepped out only half a mile or so to the east which continues for another several miles.  Talk about “blue sky” – this could be HUGE.

4.  The easternmost hole drilled to date has Granada – GR-10-17 – has intersected 65.5 metres of 1.21 g/t Au over a wider interval of almost 100 metres grading almost 1 g/t Au;

5.  GR-10-12, drilled 300 metres southwest of GR-10-17, has returned 68.8 metres of 1.07 g/t Au including 44 metres grading 1.54 g/t Au and 14 metres grading 4.28 g/t Au.

6.  GR-09-08, 46 metres east-southeast of GR-10-12, has intersected 32.5 metres of 1.27 g/t.

7.  Assay results on 13 more holes are yet to come – you’re going to see major speculation here, folks, after these results today;

8.  Mineralization is open in all directions at Granada;

9.  Gold Bullion is now “planning and preparing to launch a large third phaase drill program”.

10.  “It now appears this system is massive (our emphasis)” – quote from Basa;

11.  This is the first time Gold Bullion has ever drilled this property which is showing increasingly strong potential as a major bulk tonnage, open-pit deposit (or series of deposits);

12.  WOW.  Yorbeau Resources (YRB.A, TSX), Gold Bullion’s northern neighbor, has a current market cap of nearly $40 million and does NOT have, in our view, what Gold Bullion appears to now have.

Bottom line:  This stock is now seriously “in play” and volume tomorrow could be massive.  We will post a complete analysis prior to the market open tomorrow, and we hope to post an interview with Frank Basa later this afternoon (we are on Pacific time).

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