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Why North Arrow Minerals Will Make A Discovery - Interview With Dr. Chris Jennings - BullMarketRun.com

May 29, 2010

Why North Arrow Minerals Will Make A Discovery – Interview With Dr. Chris Jennings

Dr. Chris Jennings is one of the world’s foremost authorities on diamond exploration.  He is truly a legend in the industry and of course teamed up with Gren Thomas to discover the Diavik diamond deposit, one of the richest in the world, in the Northwest Territories in the early 1990’s.

Dr. Jennings was in Vancouver this past week and we had the pleasure and the honor to be able to interview him regarding his proprietary technology for the discovery of kimberlite pipes and his involvement with North Arrow Minerals (NAR, TSX-V).

Keep in mind this is an individual who was been everywhere diamonds have been discovered in the world.  “There is no more prospective ground (in the world) than North Arrow’s property which is immediately contiguous and on the same dike structure as Diavik and Ekati,” Jennings boldly stated.  Then he added, “I’m excited.”

Through his proprietary technology Jennings has identified no less than 70 high priority kimberlite targets on North Arrow’s property where only 20 holes have ever been drilled over an area spanning 100,000 acres.   Diavik trends right through the middle of the property and Jennings is convinced that not only are they about to discover some pipes on North Arrow’s property, but economic ones as well. The ratio of kimberlite pipes to economic pipes at Lac de Gras is the best in the world.

Folks, we already have one stock in the BMR Portfolio that has made a very significant discovery (Gold Bullion Development).  We predicted that would happen back in December when GBB was sitting at just 7 cents.  It has jumped six-fold since then, making fortunes for some of our readers and it likely has much further to go.  North Arrow is sitting at just 19 cents.  A major diamond discovery could turn North Arrow, literally, into a $50 stock.  All it would take is one rich pipe.  Jennings and Thomas, proven minefinders and legends in the industry, are on the hunt.  Don’t miss out on this one because we’re certain North Arrow is sitting on something very significant at Lac de Gras and the Dynamic Diamond Duo of Jennings and Thomas are about to find it.

Click on the link below to listen to our interview with Dr. Jennings:

BMR Interview With Dr. Chris Jennings

North Arrow closed Friday, May 28, at 19 cents for a market cap of only $7.5 million.  It has a diversified portfolio of diamond, lithium, base metal and gold properties.  Drilling is currently underway at its highly prospective Beaverdam Lithium Property in North Carolina.

1 Comment

  1. Very interested about this but I don’t know a thing about diamonds or diamond exploration. Do you have any links to look at about this kind of thing?

    Comment by Mike — May 29, 2010 @ 2:00 pm

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