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The Week In Review And A Look Ahead! - BullMarketRun.com

March 28, 2020

The Week In Review And A Look Ahead!

Four things to look for that would confirm the Venture has hit bottom…

Learn more in today’s Week In Review And A Look Ahead!

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Comments (2)


  1. 5T for US and 125BB for Can govt ‘aid’ That about $15k per US citizen and $4K per Canadian.

    Comment by david — March 29, 2020 @ 10:21 am

  2. The U.S. came into the pandemic with a stronger economy and higher GDP than Canada, David, so it actually has more flexibility in terms of stimulus and aid than Canada – coming out of this, the U.S. can be expected to do better and straighten out its finances more quickly. Trudeau has put Canada in an extremely weak position, and we’re going to pay the price for it. We should be looking at ways to do a phased re-start of the economy as quickly as possible – a blanket lockdown all across the country, even in areas where there are hardly any cases at all, doesn’t make a lot of sense from a cost-benefit analysis.

    Comment by Jon - BMR — March 29, 2020 @ 10:28 am

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